Friday, February 26, 2010

10 Things I Can't Live Without

These are 10 things I can't live without! Well I probably could live without them, but I REALLY don't want to!

1. The Bible, all I need to know in ONE book, and words from my Heavenly Father. Enough said.

2. My Crackberry, I mean Blackberry.

3. My hubby's kisses, XOXO!

4. Mexican food, oh my queso! OBSESSION.

5. My wedding ring and band, symbolizes the union, bond and commitment between my Barrett and I. =)

6. Decorating mags & books, they inspire me and are so fun to read!

(just got this in today!)

7. My favorite perfume & fragrance, Acqua Fiorentina by Creed.

8. Music, lifts me up when I'm down and motivates me to want to get up and move!

9. Diet Coke, not proud to say I'm an addict, but at least I admit it. That's the first step.

10. Pictures, they capture moments in time like nothing else can, and can last a lifetime.

(My favorite picture from the day we got engaged!)
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